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Showing posts from March, 2021

The Route Less Travelled - Taupō and back again....

We are home and safe after having sailed 131 kilometres. Here is a copy of the route we took in an anti-clockwise direction sailing around Lake Taupō. It took us a leisurely 4 nights, 5 days and we highly recommend this adventure to anyone capable or hitching a ride on a friends boat. We used 8 litres of fuel,  22 litres of drinking water, and 2 bottles of red wine along with a healthy dose of chocolate and a few cans of ready made food. Our boat is self sufficient with a small array of solar panels and we carried a port-a-loo. All in all a very inexpensive 5 day adventure. We will be back with more adventures like this one.

8 Lessons Learned From Cruising Lake Taupō

After having sailed on Lake Taupo only for this summer and having just completed a 5 day circumnavigation by sailboat we wanted to pass on some valuable lessons we have learned. Fortunately we have learned these lessons from a combination of local advice, some great training and being prepared rather then bad experiences. These tips will help anyone thinking venturing a bit further afield.  1) Be very wary of wind forecasts. We found that most reputable wind forecasts were at best reliable only for the Lake Taupō Bay. (we had 3 apps) The land mass around Taupo deflects wind in all directions. On our way home we had a 5 knot SE forecast and we encountered everything from 20 knots NW, 15 knots E, 0 knots, and 20 knots NE. Some bays have their own wind pattern. 2) Be very mindful of winds once in the western bays. If the wind swings to a blistering Easterly, you can get caught. We dragged our little 20 footer up the Waihaha stream. Be ready to run for cover if you can't do that. Liste

Northern Stump Bay

 Got a message from a friend who is sailing south. So we decided to have a lazy day and park up on Stump Bay at the Waimarino  river mouth. What a gorgeous place. With the camp all set up we are just waiting for our friends to get here. 

Travelling North

Off to an early start we left Waihi Bay. As we were leaving a brave soul on a SUP board grabbed the mooring line we were dragging behind to clean for a SUPski.   We wanted to have a look at the Turangi Yacht Club. What a great location. Nobody home so we carried on our journey   

Dinner At The Lake

 Well this was a treat. We pulled up at the Lakeland House and had a superb dinner there before wading back to the boat to sleep. 

Velera Origins

We have been asked a few times what type of boat is she. Well here is the full spec sheet. Designed in 1968 for Lake Taupō she is great to sail in the short choppy waves you can drag her up a small River and is a good Allrounder. 

A Different View On Lake Taupō

Seeing the lake from the very Southern end feels quite strange after so many years of looking at it from Taupō township.

It's A Small World

Offshore from Whareroa we had a phone call from Paul Brazier saying he thought he could see us. Turns out he was on a fishing trip and less than 500m off our stern! 

Sailing South

 This morning we pushed off at Waihaha and are heading south to Turangi. Our destination is  Lakeland House .  We have just rounded Te Hapua Bay and will be having a meal at Lakeland House from 6pm come along meet the crew. 

Camping Pizza

 Ben has come up with these ingenious camping pizzas recipe. You pre-cook a bunch of things you like ie mushrooms onions etc in a frying pan. Spread tomato sauce over some tortillas and put the ingredients on top. Add burger sauce and cheese.  Then put the whole thing in the pan and flip in half. Voila camping pizza.  Fantastic. 

Up Creek With 1 Paddle

Arrived at the waihaha beach and the crossing of the river bar was interesting. Had to hop out and drag it up the river. Well worth it with a lovely mooring completely protected from the elements.  As we came up spotted a large brown trout that will be dinner.  What a great place. 

Waihaha Is Awesome

Views For Days

So photogenic 😍

Take A Hike At Boat Harbour

After spending the night at boat harbour in the western bays we had a wander around the place. What a stunning view from the entrance looking out north.  About to pack up and head to Waihaha river mouth.

Midnight Swells Lead To Mooring Adjustment

Late last night the wind increased to 15 knots or so and shifted East. Velera was moored in very shallow water and was taking a hammering in the breakers so we had to move her further out. 

Anchored Up, Must Be Time For Dinner

Staying Up To Date With The America's Cup

Home Baking Being Enjoyed

Anticlockwise It Is

The wind was not in our favour so Turangi is a bust. Headed to Boat Harbour (Kawakawa Point) for our first night instead.

Follow My Mum's Circumnavigation Of New Zealand

Jean, Bruce, Raewyn and friends are sailing around New Zealand over the next two months aboard 57ft Mimu. Follow along at The Devil Wears Foul Weather Gear.

Clockwise Or Anticlockwise?

All Modern Conveniences Included

Everything Stowed And Shipshape

Many Hours Of Sanding And Painting